How Service Robots Are On The rise In Hotels.
Recent research studies have been carried out on how service Robots in Hotels can help redefine leadership and boost the hospitality sector. The University of Surrey and MODUL University Vienna focuses on how HR experts view service Robots and their impact on leadership.
The research involves 19 hotel HR experts in order to identify the key trends and challenges that may emerge over the next 10 years. It is anticipated that service Robots will increase efficiency and productivity of Hotel activities. We also know that incorporating service Robots will significantly change the organization, structure and culture of hotels.
This will require that leaders to carefully consider the balance based on the roles of the Robots and human employee’s. The pandemic of course has changed the course of things somewhat and the hospitality industry is suffering a catastrophic economic impact.
The interest to now develop more innovative ways of deploying service Robots such as Amy Waitress. Many hotels and restaurants are now having to reinvent processes and systems to cope with the present situation and adhere to isolation and social distancing.
Many hotels feel they will have a faster and more efficient return back to normality with the presence of Service Robots and recent reports have shown that the presence of Robots in the hotel sector is certainly on the rise.
We are now in a recovery and rebuilding period and many hotel managers are looking for a fresh start in the recovery of the industry. It is estimated that Robots will not only add to the customer experience in the present times but after the social isolation restrictions have been lifted, service Robots are predicted to have a positive effect on the industry as a whole.